Saturday, July 30, 2005


We made it to Brewfest this year (last year we were busy getting married) and even managed to gather up a few friends to hit the event with us. I didn't get too many pics but I made up for it with drinks!

The girls were looking for the short lines so they could refill faster! We actually remembered to bring our tokens left over from past Brewfests but then we bought a bunch more and didn't use them all so once again we have some extras ready for next year.

It was great to have Tom and Emily along! Congrats to them as they now have a little one on the way (but too bad since Emily couldn't drink). In the background you can see Blake (Jaime's brother) on his cell trying to hook up ... with a buddy from work. Oh well, I hear he has a few new prospects back in Seattle.

Jaime was having a fun time, as was I. It was a pretty warm day so we had to make sure we kept our drinks full ;)

We were also really glad to have Kelly and Ron stay with us and go to Brewfest. It was great to see them and we're looking forward to their wedding/renewal coming up soon! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hike on our First Wedding Anniversary

For our first wedding anniversary we decided to not buy each other presents but to instead go for a hike together. So we borrowed some fanny packs, packed up some water and snacks and headed to Bridal Veil in the Columbia River Gorge!

We did the shortest hike that starts in Bridal Veil called Angel's Rest. It was 2.3 miles each way and gained about 1900 feet of elevation! It was a real workout on a warm day so we tried to get an early start, we hit the trailhead at about 11 in the morning.

We saw a creek and a waterfall along the way! We stopped a few times on the way up but we moved right along- it only took us about 45 minutes each way!

Here's a picture about 3/4 of the way up the trail. There were some spectacular views and it was starting to really get warm. The day started with some clouds but by the time we took this picture they had mostly burned off.

Here's a shot looking East up the river. We had a little friend who was looking for handouts that snuck into the picture...

Here's a great shot Jaime took looking west down the river. We had an awesome panorama at the top and could see for miles. The hike was a real workout, even on the way down, but definitely worth it! We had a great first anniversary! For more info on this hike see Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 4, 2005

Fourth of July in San Francisco

Kodi took us into San Francisco to see the city and for a tour of Alcatraz!

Monday we went into San Francisco to go tour Alcatraz. We stopped at the Golden Gate viewpoint and snapped some pics!

Here's a shot of the girls joking around. It was really windy up there but I think it helped lift the fog a little so we could see the bridge better.

Here's us going down Lombard street, the "curviest street in the world". Kodi had me drive us in the city and boy, the hills of San Francisco are no joke!

Here's a pic from the boat we took out to Alcatraz. It was a pretty short ride but really windy. We had some great sunny weather so we weren't even chilly.

Here's a picture of one of the old buildings that burned down a while back. We had a bit of a hike to get up to the actual prison.

Here is a picture of the inside of the prison. It was actually somewhat smaller than I imagined. We were on the self-paced audio tour (we all got headsets with a digital playback machine that guided us through the prison). It was really interesting and fun to hear and see everything as we walked around.

Here's the obligatory cell shot. They were smaller than I expected but taller too. Huh.

The door was locked open so Jaime made it out of the slammer ... heh.

They left most of the signs and other things up from when the prison was open, it was so wild to think that this was once a real prison just across from such a big city! It was really cool to see, we all really enjoyed it. Thanks to Kodi for being a great tour guide all through the weekend! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Jelly Belly Factory and Napa Valley Wine Tasting

On Monday we decided to go to Napa Valley and do some wine tasting, but we stopped at the Jelly Belly factory first...

The girls were really excited to visit the Jelly Belly Factory over in Fairfield. I felt that I didn't need any extra jelly or belly, but I was excited too.

We had to wear some cool hats when we toured the factory... we couldn't take any pictures while in the actual factory area but here's a shot of us in the lobby.

We bought a couple bags of "Belly Flops" (aka irregular or rejected Jelly Belly's) to take home ... the girls favorite flavor was Juicy Pear, mine was Cotton Candy. We had a great time at the factory, we highly recommend it!

After the Jelly Belly factory we headed over to Napa Valley for some wine tasting! The first place we went was at the north end of Napa, called Sterling vineyards.

The winery at Sterling is actually up on a hill so you can take a gondola (aka tram for Kodi) up to it. Here's a shot Kodi took of us on our way up.

Here's the girls with one of the Sterling tasters. They had a terrace area where you could see the whole valley, it was awesome! The wine was pretty good too!

Here's a picture of us at our last stop at the Domaine Carneros winery (in Sonoma). They had some sparkling wines that the girls really liked. I tried some Pinot Noirs that I enjoyed as well. This place was beautiful and we really liked the service, our favorite! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 2, 2005

Road Trip to visit Kodi and Nate!

For the Fourth of July weekend we decided to drive down to Vacaville (outside San Francisco) to visit Kodi and Nate. The drive was pretty long but we made good time. Unfortunately Nate's plane had some problems on his current mission and he got stuck in Japan. We missed him but Kodi was an awesome hostess and tour guide!

Jaime and I split the driving, but since it took us about nine and a half hours (eight and a half on the road, plus some stops) it was still a looong way.

Here's the fun of driving! By the end of it Jaime was keeping herself amused by rocking out to some classic tunes...

At least we had some awesome scenery like Mt. Shasta! When we drove past Lake Shasta we both had fond memories of college craziness! Posted by Picasa