Saturday, July 30, 2005


We made it to Brewfest this year (last year we were busy getting married) and even managed to gather up a few friends to hit the event with us. I didn't get too many pics but I made up for it with drinks!

The girls were looking for the short lines so they could refill faster! We actually remembered to bring our tokens left over from past Brewfests but then we bought a bunch more and didn't use them all so once again we have some extras ready for next year.

It was great to have Tom and Emily along! Congrats to them as they now have a little one on the way (but too bad since Emily couldn't drink). In the background you can see Blake (Jaime's brother) on his cell trying to hook up ... with a buddy from work. Oh well, I hear he has a few new prospects back in Seattle.

Jaime was having a fun time, as was I. It was a pretty warm day so we had to make sure we kept our drinks full ;)

We were also really glad to have Kelly and Ron stay with us and go to Brewfest. It was great to see them and we're looking forward to their wedding/renewal coming up soon! Posted by Picasa

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