Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hike on our First Wedding Anniversary

For our first wedding anniversary we decided to not buy each other presents but to instead go for a hike together. So we borrowed some fanny packs, packed up some water and snacks and headed to Bridal Veil in the Columbia River Gorge!

We did the shortest hike that starts in Bridal Veil called Angel's Rest. It was 2.3 miles each way and gained about 1900 feet of elevation! It was a real workout on a warm day so we tried to get an early start, we hit the trailhead at about 11 in the morning.

We saw a creek and a waterfall along the way! We stopped a few times on the way up but we moved right along- it only took us about 45 minutes each way!

Here's a picture about 3/4 of the way up the trail. There were some spectacular views and it was starting to really get warm. The day started with some clouds but by the time we took this picture they had mostly burned off.

Here's a shot looking East up the river. We had a little friend who was looking for handouts that snuck into the picture...

Here's a great shot Jaime took looking west down the river. We had an awesome panorama at the top and could see for miles. The hike was a real workout, even on the way down, but definitely worth it! We had a great first anniversary! For more info on this hike see Posted by Picasa

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