Sunday, June 26, 2005

Jaime's 10 year High School Reunion

We spent the weekend in Eugene so that we could attend Jaime's 10 year High School reunion.

Here's what Kodi called the "Prom pose". Us guys were lucky enough to escort the three hottest Sheldon grads from the class of 1995. All of us (from left to right Erin & Mike, Jaime & I, Kodi & Nate) had a few snacks and drinks at Kodi's parents' house (thanks Nila and Dave!) before heading over to the big shindig.

Here's the hottie mommas all ready to go ... now with liquid courage!

Here's a group shot at the hotel (Valley River Inn). We sat with Angie and Mike Chapin (on the left). We had not seen them since our wedding so it was great to talk to them!

Here's a shot after the girls had been to the bar a few times... they were quite the social butterflies and said that they really enjoyed talking to everyone they met. Nate was happy to "talk" to them too!

It was a pretty long night, but all the girls walked out under their own power. Dave (Kodi's dad) won the Good Samaritan award for dropping us off AND taking our rowdy group back home. All in all it was a fun reunion and the girls had a great time! Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Weekend at the Beach

In celebration of another successfully completed school year I took Jaime to the Beach for a long weekend (Sat-Mon). We stayed at Inn at Spanich Head and actually some great summer weather!

The water was not too cold, plus the sun was awesome and made everything seem that much warmer.

We didn't go swimming but got plenty wet running in the waves. I think that Jaime even enjoyed the beach as much as the outlet mall shopping! Ha!

Here's Jaime in front of the hotel. We've stayed here before and really like it a lot. The location, view, and everything are all top-notch!

Here's a shot from our balcony, the sunset on Sunday was spectacular, especially after a long day at the beach ... a little wine (Willamette Valley Riesling of cource), the sun going down and a beautiful day were the perfect ending to a fun and relaxing weekend! Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

Stephanie Graduates from NHS

Well it finally happend, my little sister finally graduated from good old Newberg High School and is all growed up. Jaime and I went back to my old stompin' grounds to watch the whole ceremony and tassel business.

Steph and the Jazz Band warmed up the crowd as we waited for the main event. The rain held off and it was actually sunny for a while (despite the torrential downpours that occurred up at our house just a dozen miles north).

The cheese was deep and oft used during the post-ceremony pics... here's all the "kids" showing off the big document. Who has the best expression? Miriam looks the most shocked at Steph's accomplishment but I'm definitely the most confused.

Congrats to Steph who finally made it ... out of the house. She has decided to become a Duck in Eugene next year. Oh well, I guess there was only enough suave and sophistication for one Beaver in the family anyways. Seriously though, I'm really proud to have her as a sister, she's gonna do great in whatever she decides to do, maybe even help bring a little more class to UO ;) Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Tim's 30th B-Day Pig Roast

We were invited to help celebrate our friend Tim's 30th birthday at a pig roast put together by his wife and family. It thankfully didn't rain on us and everyone had a great time.

The boys having a brew and watching the pig sizzle. The cooking pit and spit contraption were really impressive. Twelve hours of constant turning over a final total of 200+ lbs of charcoal makes for one well roasted pig!

Once the pig was done and taken off the spit, Tim gave it something to chew on... soon we would be chewing on it! It tasted awesome and Tim's wife Kirstin did an amazing job on all the other food! The fresh cornbread was a personal favorite, I ate way too much!

Later that night Tim's brother handed out cigars in celebration of the big day. Jaime didn't want to try one, but she held mine while I got another drink. It was a great day, thanks to Tim and his family for inviting us and putting on a great pig roast! Posted by Hello