Saturday, June 18, 2005

Weekend at the Beach

In celebration of another successfully completed school year I took Jaime to the Beach for a long weekend (Sat-Mon). We stayed at Inn at Spanich Head and actually some great summer weather!

The water was not too cold, plus the sun was awesome and made everything seem that much warmer.

We didn't go swimming but got plenty wet running in the waves. I think that Jaime even enjoyed the beach as much as the outlet mall shopping! Ha!

Here's Jaime in front of the hotel. We've stayed here before and really like it a lot. The location, view, and everything are all top-notch!

Here's a shot from our balcony, the sunset on Sunday was spectacular, especially after a long day at the beach ... a little wine (Willamette Valley Riesling of cource), the sun going down and a beautiful day were the perfect ending to a fun and relaxing weekend! Posted by Hello


  1. Looks like you had a great time!! You're getting pretty professional with the photos - Ryan may have competition!!!
